Subscription Payment by PayPal


You are providing Personal Information using this form. FCI aims to abide by the provisions of GDPR 2018 in holding and processing your data. Read our full GDPR Compliance Policy here, and note that you are asked to agree to its provisions before we can process your form entry.


2025 Annual membership of the Fan Circle International if paying by PayPal is:

  • In the UK, £43.00 for individuals and £45.00 for joint membership
  • In the EU, £50.00 for individuals and £52.00 for joint membership
  • Elsewhere in the world, £55.00 for individuals and £57.00 for joint membership

Joint members get one Bulletin per couple but preferential meeting rates and the ability to vote at the AGM.

The Membership year runs from April to March; subs paid after December count for the next year.

NOTE: It is possible to purchase five years’ membership in advance by paying five times the current annual membership fee.

Young Persons and Student Membership

The Fan Circle offers a special membership for young people (under 25) and students in further education. These members will be able to access all publications digitally, participate in online events and attend visits/events organised by the Circle. On application, proof of age (under 25 at time of application) or a current Student Card/Course Registration letter will be required.

Young Persons and Student Membership costs £15 p.a./£40 for 3 years

UK tax payers are encouraged to make use of Gift Aid in order that the FCI may reclaim tax paid.


On pressing SUBMIT on the form opposite, you will be taken to PayPal where you should log in using your own personal PayPal credentials. You will be notified of the success or failure of the payment by the message showing on this website on completion of the transaction, as well as by email.  (You can safely ignore/accept any security warning on the return link to this site – there is no sensitive information transferring at that point).

FCI Membership Subscription Payment Form

Surname or Family name
Enter carefully please
Confirm Email
Please select your required Membership type
Calculated from options above

Maximum file size: 7MB

Maximum file size: 7MB

Additional Personal details

Only for Joint subscriptions – the registration will be in the Main Subscriber’s name.
in case of queries

About your interest in Fans (optional)

Please select an option, and elaborate in box below with names of websites or organisations etc that are relevant.